Anardana ((Punica granatum), Pomegranate Seeds

Size: 2 oz-Jar
Sale price$6.99


 Anardana are, the dried seeds of the sour Pomegranate fruit (Daru) along with pulp. They, grow wild in the hill slopes of the Himalayas. It has a natural sweet-sour taste & pleasant fruity flavor and is used as souring agent or preservative in Indian and Persian cooking.

Suggested Uses:
Mostly used in chutneys, curries, relishes, seasoning, lentils & sauces. Dry roast and grind them, sprinkle over salads or condiments.

Health Benefits:

Pomegranate seeds help in improving mouthfeel and digestion. Used in making various digestive and other Ayurvedic treatments.

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