Fingerroot, Lesser Galangal (Kra-chai), Dried, Sliced

Size: 1.5 oz
Sale price$6.99


Fingerroot, Sliced & Dried
Lesser Galangal/ Chinese Ginger
(Boesenbergia rotunda)
Also Known as ‘Kra-Chai (Thai)’, ‘temu kunci (Indonesia)’

Fingerroot also known as king of Thai herbs or Thai ginseng.

Finger root is a finger-like underground rhizome in the ginger family mostly grown in China and Southeast Asia. Fingerroot ginger has earthy, sweet and aromatic, with pleasantly sharp spicy flavor.
It is milder, sweeter, and much earthier than ginger or galangal. 

Suggested Uses:

Fingerroot gives warm sweetness with spicy flavor to all Asian savory dishes, including
soups (often vegetable soup), stews, vegetables, sambals and curries.
Most often used in coconut milk-based or rice based dishes and all kinds of meat
and fish, especially sea foods.

Health Benefits:

Fingerroot has many medicinal properties, used in thai medicine. Promoting aphrodisiac
health, may helps to enhance male sexual performance. It helps to boost appetite, aid digestion, reduce flatulence and to treat diarrhea, dysentery and worms.
Also used as a remedy for coughs and mouth ulcers.*



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