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House Brand

Assam CTC Mamri Black Tea (BOP) Organic

Assam CTC Mamri Black Tea (BOP) Organic

Regular price $19.99 USD
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Mamri Tea is a fine bold leaf strong CTC (Crush, tear, curl) BOP (Broken Orange Pekoe) Organic Assam Black tea, the most widely popular tea consumed in India.  CTC Mamri is quickly infusing tea, steeps a strong and rich cup with a striking amber color and rich malty flavor. Add milk & sweetener to make 'Chai garam'
To Make Tea: In a warm tea pot put 1-2 tsp tea, pour a cup of hot water (194-205°F), steep for 3-5 minutes (For stronger tea increase the steeping time), strain & drink. It takes milk well & can usually use a bit of sugar or other sweetener.
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