Cucumber Seeds
(Edible Kheera Magaz)
(Cucumis sativus)
These dried & edible Cucumber seeds are extracted from fresh cucumber, a widely- cultivated creeping vine plant.
Rich in calcium and other minerals, cucumber seeds can make a nutritious addition to
your healthy snacks, or used to garnish several Indian sweets.
Suggested Uses:
Enjoy them on their own or as a tasty topping for salads, soups, added to trail mixes, be
added to sandwiches, rice and pasta, stirred into yogurts as well.
These dried seeds can be roasted, dry-roasted, or toss the seeds with a little olive oil, salt,
and garlic powder, and bake for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally to ensure even cooking.
Can be added to cold and warm salads or added to assorted seed snacks.
Health Benefits:
Cucumber seeds are rich in protein, fats, and minerals. Also contain beta-carotene,
which helps in building immunity, skin, eyes and may help the prevention of cancer.