Licorice Root, Natural Chew Sticks

Size: 5 pc
Sale price$4.99


Natural-Chew Sticks
(Glycyrrhiza glabra)
AKA 'Liquorice, Sweet Root'

Licorice Sticks are harvested from the root of licorice plant, cut into 6-7 inches long sticks,
washed and dried. It has anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties of glycyrrhizic acid. When sucked on this fibrous, hard and woody chew-sticks, it release a sweet sap with a warm, subtly spicy, bitter-sweet aroma, imparting a lasting and
pleasant fragrance to the mouth.

Suggested Uses:

To use licorice root sticks: Simply chew the end until the outer root bark comes loose. Discard the root bark and continue to chew lightly on the fibers, until the root fibers will resemble a brush. Switch the stick back and forth between each side of your mouth.
Licorice roots impart most flavor when steeped in hot liquid (teas, syrups, sauces).

Health Benefits:

Chewing on the stick after a meat releases beneficial anti-microbial that prevent plaque
buildup, aids digestion, treat upper respiratory issues, Increases salivation and hence inhibits dry mouth. Chewing licorice sticks also helps suppresses hunger and nicotine cravings.

Warning: *These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always consult with a healthcare professional before using any herbal remedy


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