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Tulsi-Krishna (Holy Basil) Leaf

Tulsi-Krishna (Holy Basil) Leaf

Regular price $3.99 USD
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Krishna Tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum) is a tropical species of holy basil, an herbaceous member of the mint family,cultivated near temples and private homes. The plant has dark green to dark purple leaves, stems, strongly scented and has peppery, crisp taste and is typically drunk as tulsi tea.

Used in Ayurvedic Healing to improve stamina, help eliminate toxins, enhance metabolism, builds body’s immune system, helps beat stress and fight free radicals.

Tulsi (Holy Basil) Tea: Pour 1 cup boiled water over 1tsp Tulsi leaves, steep for 5/15 minutes, strain, add lemon juice, sweeten with honey and drink.

*Warning: Always consult with a healthcare professional especially if pregnant, nursing, or taking other medicines. Do not administer to infants or toddlers.
*Disclaimer: These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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