Tulsi (Holy basil) leaf is a member of the mint family and cousin to sweet basil. Widely used in in Ayurvedic medicine as therapeutic herbal tea/tisane.
Studies have shown its efficacy as an anti-inflammatory, anxiety treatment, and antioxidant. It helps to combat respiratory ailments, reduces physical & emotional stress, treats gastrointestinal disorders, builds immune systems.*
To make Tea: Put 1 teaspoon of powder in a cup of boiling water, strain and steep for 5-15 minutes, strain, add lemon juice, sweetened with honey and drink 1-2 times a day.
*Warning: Always consult with a healthcare professional especially if pregnant, nursing, or taking other medicines. Do not administer to infants or toddlers.
*Disclaimer: These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.